Helpsite > Afterhours
- Receiving Care List – shows only Receiving Care homes without a Stop Placement or Taking a break
- Click on HomeMatch
- Change Service Type to Receiving Care or Receiving Care Tier 2
- Who’s at Respite List
- Go to Case Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases
- Group Cases>by Home Name
- Two ways to find kids in respite
- Ctrl+F “Respite” if Placement Type = “Respite” the child is on Respite
OR - Download as Excel
- Right click on “Placement Type”
- Filter>”Filter by Selected Cell’s Value”
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to “Placement Type”
- Check the box next to “Respite” and click OK
- Ctrl+F “Respite” if Placement Type = “Respite” the child is on Respite
- Kid List – shows homes with Kids in them
- Click on HomeMatch
- Click on the checkbox: “Only show homes with active placements”
- New Placements made
- Placements move CFSF homes
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Add Report>ChildTransfers to Another CFSF Home
- Add in relevant information
- Click Complete
- An email automatically gets sent to
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client