Helpsite > Fiscal
Never click on the icon on the left. If something needs to be added contact IT.
- Entering New Placements
- Program Change
- Receive Child Transfers Program or to Another CFSF Home email
- Cases>Cases Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases>Find and open the child’s case
- Discharge>Case
- Fill out the form
- Date Discharge
- Outcome = Program Change
- Discharge Reason = N/A
- Discharge To: = the Program
- Click Ok
- Readmit new case
- Choose the correct program
- Admission Date
- Confirm the Office, Category, Funding Org, and Rate Lvl are the correct
- Click Add Initial Placement button on the left
- If receiving care: Add the placement email to the placement notes
- Click Ok and then click Save
- Fill out the form
- *If program change is in the future (for example within BRS)
- Enter an anticipated discharge date within the child’s current case
- Click Save
- Add new case, click on the “Entering New Placements” link from above
- Transfer between CFSF Homes within the same program
- Receive Child Transfers Program or to Another CFSF Home email
- Cases>Cases Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases>Find and open the child’s case
- Click the Change Placement button on left
- Placement Date
- Placement With = the new home (must click on the button on the right)
- Placement Type = Foster Home
- Reason for Move = Transfer
- If Receiving Care: click on the Comments tab and copy and paste the placement email
- Discharge
- Receives Child Leaves CFSF Home email alert
- Cases>Cases Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases>Find and open the child’s case
- Discharge>Case
- Date Discharge
- Outcome = the Report
- Discharge Reason = N/A
- Discharge To = Copy and paste from the Report
- Click OK
- Add or Change Case Manager Assignments
- Clinical Directors will send case manager changes to
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Edit, within the General tab change the Case Manager or Secondary Case Manager
- Add Secondary Case Manager for training a new staff member or filling in for a case manager
- Click Save
- Click Edit, within the General tab change the Case Manager or Secondary Case Manager
- To add or remove assigned Receiving Care Coordinator and Secondary Case Manager for Tier II
- Receiving Care Coordinator will update fiscal OR the CPI
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Edit, within the General tab change the Case Manager or Secondary Case Manager
- Case Manager = Receiving Care Coordinator
- Add Secondary Case Manager for Tier II
- Secondary Case Manager = Case Manager of the home
- Click Edit, within the General tab change the Case Manager or Secondary Case Manager
- Add Social Worker Assignment
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Edit>People tab
- Add Relationship
- Add pertinent information (name, phone #, email)
- Click Save
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Change Social Worker Assignment
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Edit>People tab
- Click on current social worker
- Change pertinent information
- Click Save
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- To add or change assigned BRS Clinical Director
- Go to Case Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases
- Open client file
- Go to the People tab
- Click on Copy from Address Book
- Click on the box next to the Clinical Director
- Click Ok
- Click on the Clinical Director
- Click Edit
- Change Relationship to “Clinical Director”
- Click Save
- Go to Case Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases
CPA Referral Form (Only for CPA kids)
- Fiscal will receive an email when there is a new placement
- Click on the link>Add Report>Add CPA Referral Form
- Fill out the pertinent information
- Click Draft
- WAIT until you receive an email from ER for submit for approval of the CPA Referral Form
- Reject or Approve the Report
- Reject the CPA if missing information. The case manager will fix an email for approval will be sent to fiscal
- Approve if CPA is uploaded and information is accurate
- Reject or Approve the Report
AAR Report (Special Supervision)
- Fiscal will receive an email when there is a new placement, if placement has special supervision case manager will add report
- Case Manager will submit for approval, fiscal will receive email
- Fill out any necessary pertinent information
- Reject or Approve the Report
- Reject the AAR if missing information. The case manager will fix an email for approval will be sent to fiscal
- Approve if AAR is uploaded and information is accurate
- Reject or Approve the Report
- Fiscal will receive an email when there is a new placement, if placement has special supervision case manager will add report
Wednesday Placement Meeting
- Go to Home Rosters>Licensed Homes>Group Homes>- List by Name –
- Click Excel
- Open Downloaded Excel Sheet
- Click Yes
- Click Enable Editing
- File>Save As
- Change Web Page to Excel Workbook
- Click Save
- Open Downloaded Excel Sheet
- Delete Columns with these titles:
Business ID, Blank (column D), Worker, Orig License, Provider #, License Type, Address, Phone, Email, Available, Race, Gender, Church, Home #, Vendor # - Right click on Column F (Active Placements), Cut
- Right click on column B (Branch), Insert Cut Cells
- Highlight all of the information (from A1 to H2**)
- Insert Table
- Make sure “My table has headers” is checked
- Click OK
- At the top click on the color you want the table to be from the Table Styles
- Increase the size of column H (Placement Comments)
- Select column B (Active Placements)
- press Ctrl + F
- Click on the Replace section
- Find what: = ),
- Replace with: = Ctrl + J
- press the Ctrl button and j and then release
- Click Replace All
- If you make a mistake here close the Find and Replace box hit Ctrl + z on your keyboard and try again
- press Ctrl + F
- Click on the highlight all button (top left, looks like a arrow pointing towards Name)
- Double click between rows 2 and 3. The rows should get smaller
- Sort by Branch
- Within Er: Go to Home Roster>Licensed Homes>Group Homes>by Office
- Highlight from “Total through Vancouver” and Copy
- Paste it under the table within Excel
- Increase the font size
- Click on View>Freeze Panes>Freeze Top Row