Helpsite > Respite
Add New Respite Placement with CFSF kid within a CFSF home
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Change Placement
- Placement Date = Respite Start Date
- Performed by = Case Manager (should not have to change)
- Placement With = Respite Home
- Type and Move = “Respite”
- Confirm that “Do not count in # of placements” is checked
- Click Save
- An email gets sent automatically to
Add Out of Agency Respite Kid to CFSF Home
- Go to Case Roster>All Cases
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand “z” or search zzRespite
- Click on the appropriate fake kid (zzRespite, Out of Agency)
- Confirm the fake kid is not currently in a respite home
- On the left it will either say Place With -Not Placed- or a home will be listed
- If the fake kid is in a home, open another zzRespite, Out of Agency
- If the fake kid is not in a home, follow bellow
- Click on Add initial placement or Reopen>Readmit
- Add initial placement instructions
- Placement With = CFSF respite home
- Performed by = your name
- Placement type = zzRes.pite
- Confirm that “Do not count in # of placements” is checked
- Click Save
- Readmit instructions
- Program = Do Not change
- Category = CPA or BRS or Wrap depending on the child
- Office = zResptie Provider Only
- Case Manager = you
- An email gets sent automatically to
- Add initial placement instructions
- Confirm the fake kid is not currently in a respite home
- Go to Case Roster>All Cases
Add New Respite with CFSF kid within an Out of Agency or Prudent Parenting Home
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Change Placement
- Placement With = “Respite Provider (Out of Agency)” OR “Respite Provider (Prudent Parenting)”
- Type and Move = Respite
- Billing???
- Confirm that “Do not count in # of placements” is checked
- Performed By = You
- Click Save
- An email gets sent automatically to
- Click Change Placement
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
If Respite Never Occurs OR Information Entered is Incorrect
- Contact someone within the Fiscal department.
End Current Respite (except for Out of agency child, look further below for those instructions)
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Click Change Placement
- Placement Date = Date returning back to foster home
- Performed by = Case Manager (should not have to change)
- Placement With = Foster Home Returning back to
- Type = “Foster Home”
- Move = “Return from Respite”
- Click Save
- An email gets sent automatically to
End Out of Agency Child Respite
- Go to Case Rosters>Open Cases>Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand “z” or search zzRespite
- Click on the appropriate fake kid (zzRespite, Out of Agency)
- Discharge>Case
- Outcome = Out of Agency Respite
- Discharged by = your name
- Discharge Reason = N/A
- Discharged To = Out of Agency Respite
- Click OK
- You will receive an email
- Go to Case Rosters>Open Cases>Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand “z” or search zzRespite
Respite Approval Request (to be filled out by respite coordinator)
- Go to Case Roster>Foster Care Open Cases>Select Client
- Add Report: Respite Approval Request
- Confirm Report Date is today’s date
- Confirm Submit To is the Program Director
- Enter in the relevant information
- Follow the directions in the report, the Save button will allow you to pause even if you haven’t filled in all required fields
- Once finished click Submit for Approval
- If rejected: you will receive an email, correct the report and resubmit for approval
- If approved by the Program Director, you will receive an email, the form is now internally signed. will also get an automatic email sent to them
- To view outstanding internal signatures follow bellow
- Within Extended Reach hover over Case Tasks
- Click on Awaiting Approval
- Send a reminder to the Program Director outside of Extended Reach
- To view outstanding internal signatures follow bellow
- Look at detailed info about one home
- Home Rosters>Licensed Homes>Open Home
- General and Licensing tabs
- Look at detailed info for more than one home
- Home Rosters>Licensed Homes OR HomeMatch
- Check to see who is at Respite
- Go to Case Rosters>Foster Care Open Cases
- Group Cases>by Home Name
- Two ways to find kids in respite
- Ctrl+F “Respite” if Placement Type = “Respite” the child is on Respite
OR - Download as Excel
- Right click on “Placement Type”
- Filter>”Filter by Selected Cell’s Value”
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to “Placement Type”
- Check the box next to “Respite” and click OK
- Ctrl+F “Respite” if Placement Type = “Respite” the child is on Respite