Region 1 and 2:
Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend d’Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Whitman, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima
Homes in the counties listed above are licensed out of our Moses Lake office
Office address: 209 South Ash St Moses Lake, WA 98837
Licensor Supervisor: Cory Chism | Phone: (509) 766-1952 | Email: chco@cfsf.net | Fax: (509) 766-1956
Region 3:
Island, Skagit, Snohomish, San Juan, Whatcom
Homes in the counties listed above are licensed out of our Burlington office
Office address: 160 Cascade Place #205 Burlington, WA 98233
Licensor: Jackie H’ebert | Phone: (360) 899-5472 | Email: heja@cfsf.net | Fax: (360) 899-5472
Region 4:
Homes in King County are licensed out of our Tacoma office
Office address: 6050 Tacoma Mall Blvd #210, WA 98409
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (253) 517-5692
Licensor Director: Shelly Genuardi | Email: gera@cfsf.net
Licensing Lead: Sidnee Booth | Email: bosi@cfsf.net
Region 5:
Kitsap, Pierce
Homes in Pierce County are licensed out of our Tacoma office
Office address: 6050 Tacoma Mall Blvd #210, WA 98409
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (253) 517-5692
Licensor Director: Shelly Genuardi | Email: gera@cfsf.net
Licensing Lead: Sidnee Booth | Email: bosi@cfsf.net
Homes in Kitsap County are licensed out of our Port Orchard office
Office address: 1502 Roland Avenue Port Orchard, WA 98366
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1459 Port Orchard, WA 98366
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (360) 895-3495
Licensor: Jessica Rice | Email: rije@cfsf.net
Region 6:
Clark, Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum
Homes in Thurston County are licensed out of our Tacoma office
Office address: 6050 Tacoma Mall Blvd #210, WA 98409
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (253) 517-5692
Licensor Director: Shelly Genuardi | Email: gera@cfsf.net
Licensing Lead: Sidnee Booth | Email: bosi@cfsf.net
Licensor: Jessica Rice | Email: rije@cfsf.net
Homes in Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Skamania, Clark & Klickitat counties are licensed out of our Vancouver office
Office address: 9106 NE Hwy 99 Suite E Vancouver, WA 98665
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (360) 984-3108
Licensor: Robin Jech | Email: anro@cfsf.net
Homes in Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, & Mason counties are licensed out of our Port Orchard office
Office address: 1502 Roland Avenue Port Orchard, WA 98366
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1459 Port Orchard, WA 98366
Office Phone: (360) 895-7889 | Office Fax: (360) 895-3495
Licensor: Jessica Rice | Email: rije@cfsf.net