CFSF offers trainings, please call 360-895-7889 for information, also check out our website calendar for more opportunities
Foster Parenting and Relatives Caring for Kids
CFSF offers trainings, please call 360-895-7889 for information, also check out our website calendar for more opportunities
Foster Parenting and Relatives Caring for Kids
There is web-based training developed for foster parents that is available online. Many of these can satisfy some of the staff pre-service and in-service training requirements in WAC 388-145 and WAC 388-147 and/or in accordance with the training plan developed in conjunction with the child placing agency or group care facility’s regional licensor. These trainings can be accessed through the DSHS website which has the link below or the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence that can be accessed at: Courses | UW School of Social Work Professional Education. The individual trainings are also hyperlinked below, but depending upon your program additional videos may be found through the Alliance website.
It will be important for agency staff to also be oriented to your specific program and the population of children or youth you serve, but these trainings can be used to supplement the in-person or on-the-job training, and fulfill some of the requirements contained in the WAC. These trainings can be completed by the individual staff member, or if equipment is available in your agency’s facility or office, they can be shown to a group of staff at the same time.
The following on-line trainings are available:
All My Relations, a film about the importance of cultural connections for Native American children. (44 min.)
Important Issues in Indian Child Welfare. This is a panel discussion about the Indian Child Welfare Act and why it is important to our work with Native children. (1 hr.)
Keeping It Real A film about the importance of cultural connections for African American children in non-African American homes. (41 min.)
We are GLBTQ. What you should know about the care and support of youth who are Gay, Lesbian, Transgender or questioning their sexual identity. (42 min) Download discussion guide (167 kb)
Behavioral Challenges in Foster Care with Gary Benton. Learn about handling challenging behaviors in children. (59 min.)
Behavior Management ages 11-18 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) with Wendy Warman, MSW.) This video deals with behaviors of children experiencing emotional distress. (2 hrs. 27 min.)
De-escalation Techniques in Foster Care with Gary Benton. In this workshop, Gary Benton helps us to develop skills to bring the tension down with children in care. (59 min.)
Working with Children Exhibiting Physically Aggressive Behaviors (English, Spanish) – Learn what you need to know to help your child deal with physically acting out behavior and to create a safe and nurturing environment. (1 hr. 11 min.)
Working with Children Exhibiting Sexual Behavioral Problems (English, Spanish) – Learn what you need to know to create a safe and nurturing home for children who have displayed sexually acting out behavior. (1 hr. 13 min.)
Working with ADHD and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4) with Randi Hankins. Randi is a dynamic speaker who delivers information with humor and compassion to those dealing with ADHD and FASD. You will learn a great deal in this workshop on how to improve the environment for children with these issues. (4 videos, 5 hrs. 5 min. total)
Extreme behavior and associated mental health issues (Working with Extreme Behavioral and Mental Issues, ODD, CD, Mood Disorders) with Sharon Young, LMFT. This workshop will help you understand mental health issues that can impact youth. (4 videos, 3 hr. 43 min. total)
Trauma and Children (Part 1, Part 2) with Ross Dawson, MSW and Dr. Harry Kramer. Learn about trauma and how it affects children, especially in the post 9/11 era. (1 hr. 25 min.)
Mandated Reporter Toolkit
Video 1: All Children Deserve to be Safe (7 min.)
Video 2: What Mandated Reporters Need to Know about Racial Disproportionality in the Child Welfare System (8 min.)
Publication DSHS 22-163: Protecting the Abused & Neglected Child. This is a guide for recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect.
Video 3: Period of Purple Crying
Worksheet for Period of Purple Crying: Here
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